Traffic Management for Community Events (TMCE)

Being proficient in Traffic Management for Community Events is essential for any community event contract.

Gate Person Airlock Installer/Operator

Gateperson Airlock Installer / Operative

ROI Impact Protection Vehicle

ROI Impact Protection Vehicles IPV

ROI MLC Supervisor Certificate

 ROI MLC Supervisor - Level 5 & 6

ROI MLC Operative Certificate

ROI MLC General Operative Level 5 & 6 

ROI Level 3 Highspeed Traffic Management Certification

 ROI Temporary Traffic Management General Operative Level 5 & 6 roads

Police Traffic Management Officer Training

A five-day course intended for both newly appointed and existing Police traffic management officers (TMO). It provides the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfil many of the functions of the role and provides an opportunity for learners to demonstrate their competency.

12AB General Operative Training/Assessment

NHSS12AB General Operative – Static Temporary Traffic Management on Motorways and High Speed Dual Carriageways.  12AB Trainee category allows you to work on motorways and high speed carriageways under a qualified 12B Lead Traffic Management Operative or 12A Foreman, a fully qualified 12AB Gener…

12 Impact Protection Vehicle (IPV)

NHSS Impact Protection Vehicle IPV

12A Foreman Training

NHSS 12A Foreman TMF

12B Lead Traffic Management Operative (LTMO)

NHSS 12B Lead Traffic Management Operative LTMO

12AB Traffic Safety and Control Officer (TSCO) Training / Card Application

NHSS 12AB Traffic Safety Control Officer/Traffic Safety Supervisor (TSCO/TSS).