Products matching your search
Risk Assessment
Stress Management
Stress in the workplace is acknowledged by HSE as a condition that must be managed.
Social Media for Marketing and Communications
The Rural Manager - Motivation and Team Work
Marketing Your Business - Create an Action Plan Offline & Online
The Rural Manager's Whistle Stop Tour of Management Practices
Managing and developing interpersonal skills and customer service focus within the work environment
Introduction to Agricultural Based Business Planning
This course is designed for Farmers to give them some basic financial tools to use in their business. It introduces partial budgeting, and the use of Gross Margins as a planning tool.
Business Planning and Development - Know How To Form Your Own Written Plan
Effective Meeting Skills – Participating and Chairing
Effective Meeting Skills – Minute Taking
Meetings in the workplace are often a poor use of time. When minute taking is assigned to more “junior” individuals they are also often poorly recorded, so decision making and actions are compromised.
Often, the last (poor) set of minutes are used as a guide, so bad habits and poor minute taki…
Financial Management 1: Bookkeeping, VAT and Making Tax Digital (MTD)
Learn the basics of bookkeeping and gain other financial skills you need to keep your business afloat.