Products matching your search
Purdoms Range Basic Rifle Course
This level one rifle course is available to you if you have little or no previous knowledge or experience.
Type: Assessed Customised Provision
Purdoms Range Shotgun Course
Type: Assessed Customised Provision
Purdoms Range Air Rifle Course
Type: Assessed Customised Provision
Loaders - Shotgun
This course is designed to support Learners who want to take the role of Loader on a shoot.
Type: Training (with Assessment)
Safe Use and Handling - Shotgun
Get to grips with handling a shotgun safely and responsibly.
Type: Training (with Assessment)
Shotgun Coaching
Learn to train others to use shotguns safely and responsibly with our one-day course for beginners.
Type: Training (with Assessment)
Purdoms Range Centre Fire Reloading Course
Understand what safe practice is with these two Lantra Approved beginner courses for reloading.
Type: Assessed Customised Provision