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This Lantra-accredited Customised Award is exclusively developed and delivered by a Lantra-approved Training Provider, who meets our quality standards. The course is specifically tailored to meet learners’ needs. For further details about the course content and delivery locations, please contact the Training Provider using the details provided below.

The minimum age to undertake this course is 12.


Reloading is a hobby that can bring lots of personal satisfaction and enjoyment - It can also save you money!  

You can tailor accurate and powerful loads for specific firearms or load economy target rounds for practice.

The process of loading metallic cartridges and shotgun Cartridges are unique and are very specific - Thus two separate classes.

Delivery method

Theory and Practical

Recognised by

Lantra Awards

Who should attend?

This course has been designed for those who frequently use a rifle or shotgun as part of their jobs such as Estate Managers, farm owners, shooting syndicates and anyone who employs game keepers or allow contractors onto their land to shoot.

Learners who require a refresher course, beginners, and novice shooters who would like to hold a recognised qualification are very to complete this course.

What will be covered?

The courses cover:

  • Basic Shotgun Cartridge Reloading - In this course you will learn to reload your own shotgun cartridges. This class is hands-on and you will actually load high quality cartridges in the class. 
  • Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading - In this course you will cover all aspects of metallic cartridge reloading. We will discuss powder, projectiles and all components used. You will be required to load high quality shells during this class.
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