Loaders - Shotgun

This course is designed to support Learners who want to take the role of Loader on a shoot. 

Safe Use and Handling - Shotgun

Get to grips with handling a shotgun safely and responsibly.

Shotgun Coaching

Learn to train others to use shotguns safely and responsibly with our one-day course for beginners.

Purdoms Range Basic Rifle Course

This level one rifle course is available to you if you have little or no previous knowledge or experience.

Purdoms Range Centre Fire Reloading Course

Understand what safe practice is with these two Lantra Approved beginner courses for reloading. 


Purdoms Range Air Rifle Course

Learn how to use an air rifle or air pistol with this one day one day course.

Purdoms Range Shotgun Course

This level one shotgun course is available to you if you have little or no previous knowledge of using a shotgun. 

NI Deer Stalking Training Course

The Country Sports Ireland NI Deer Stalking Training Course has been developed by leading experts to specifically meet the training needs of those people who wish to participate in deer stalking in Northern Ireland.