Level 2 Award in the Safe Use of Aluminium Phosphide for Vertebrate Pest Control

Earn a qualification in the safe use of a potentially dangerous product with our specialist course.

Level 3 Award in Pest Management Services Trained Professional User (Units)

Equip yourself with the certificate needed to be a pest control professional in Ireland by taking our Level 3 qualification.

The Safe Use of Aluminium Phosphide for Vertebrate Pest Control

Learn how to safely use a potentially dangerous product with our one-day training course.

Identification of Invasive and Injurious Species

Completing this dedicated course will provide you with the knowledge and experience to complete our Level 2 Award in the Identification of Invasive and Injurious Species.

How to Manage Agricultural Pests

AgriPest Training offers a one to one, practical pest control course that will be delivered on your farm or land.

Lantra Awards Level 2 Award in Rodent Management (Online Proctored)

Successful completion of this qualification will enable you to purchase professional rodenticides (assessment by online proctored examination).

Lantra Awards Level 2 Award in Rodent Management

Successful completion of this qualification will enable you to purchase professional rodenticides (assessment by hard copy examination question paper).