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A guide to work life balance and how to use nature’s toolkit to improve your time at work: for individuals, educators and employers

The finer details

A minimum of 12 participants, maximum of 15.

  • 5 x 2 hour online sessions
  • 2 x 2 hour ecologist site-visits to determine what climate actions can be taken on the ground by course participants
  • A suite of 25 self-directed eLearning Tools for participants to further extend their learning
Climate Action 101

Delivery method


Recognised by

Lantra Awards

Who should attend?

Open to everyone

What will be covered?

  • Discover the factors that influence climate change
  • Learn what the terms around climate action mean
  • Explore how land is used in Ireland
  • Find out about our main environmental pollutants
  • Uncover Ireland's precious habitats and water catchments
  • Follow the carbon cycle and learn to measure your footprint Investigate Ireland's carbon sinks
  • Delve into Irish biodiversity and learn to identify trees, birds, bees and butterflies
  • Follow the river's journey from source to sea
  • Gain practical skills to fight climate change such as tree planting, water conservation, meadow management, seed saving
  • Learn to measure and monitor water quality in your local river or stream
  • Develop a Climate Action Plan for your home, business or club
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