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This programme covers the essential information required by a supervisor or manager with responsibilities for health and safety in the transport industry

The finer details

The programme is divided into a number of sessions, with the Introduction and the 2 main session (Health and Safety, Hazards and Risks) being delivered on day 1 and the remaining session (Accidents and Incidents, Data Protection and GDPR, Environment, Documentation, Managing Safely) delivered on day 2, with a multi-choice assessment to conclude

Delivery method


Recognised by

Lantra Awards

Who should attend?

Any supervisor or manager who requires a working knowledge of Irish health and safety legislation in the transport industry and their roles and responsibilities under it

What will be covered?

  • The Reasons for Managing Safety and Health
  • The Benefits of Managing Safety and Health
  • The Irish legislative system
  • A Hierarchy of Compliance
  • Health and Safety Legislation
  • Safety Statements
  • Consultation
  • The Health and Safety Authority, the Road Safety Authority and the Guards
  • Penalties for failure
  • The difference between hazards and risks
  • Types of hazard
  • Risk and Risk Assessment
  • Proactive and Reactive Measures
  • A Hierarchy of Control
  • Risk Matrix
  • Risk Assessments Sheets
  • Controlling common risks
  • Work Permits
  • Accidents/Incidents?Near miss/Dangerous Occurrences
  • Iceberg Theory
  • Reporting Procedures
  • Accident Causation/Prevention
  • Investigating Accidents
  • Data Protection and GDPR
  • Principles of Data Protection
  • Rights of the Individual
  • Data breaches and ways to protect
  • The Environment
  • Environmental Impact
  • Life Cycle Analysis
  • Environmental Management
  • Waste Control
  • Common health and safety documentation
  • Managing Safely
  • PDCA Cycle
  • Leadership and Influence
  • Time Management
  • Communication
  • Planning
  • Information, Sources and the FACTS
  • Safety Culture
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