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Many practical skills instructor approach training delivery with their technical ability and expertise and experience foremost.
Although vitally essential, people skills, and Instructional skills are needed as well to make the learning experience fully rounded and effective, and this course will give them the knowledge and tools to enhance the learning experience.
The finer details
The course includes:
- Meet and Greet skills, icebreakers, the inclusive learning environment
- Appreciating Learning Styles and processing styles, and enabling and differentiating Learning
- Setting up the learning environment
- Listening and questioning skills
- Assertiveness skills
- Dealing with the reluctant learner
- Feedback including error correction
- Constructing SMART objectives, and session planning to achieve them
- Principles of Assessment
- Session planning and delivery.

Delivery method
Theory and PracticalRecognised by
Lantra AwardsCourse description:
Who should attend?
Practical skills instructors in all sectors, employees delivering induction training, technical staff delivering tool box talks, Instructors delivering in-house certification.
What will be covered?
By the end of the course the learner will be able to:
- Plan and construct learning objectives.
- Design and deliver training to achieve those objectives in a suitable training environment
- Cater for different learning styles and differentiate their training appropriately
- Develop questioning and listening skills and provide constructive feedback
- Develop assessment skills , initial, formative and summative
- Provide an enabling learning experience using coaching techniques.
Other areas of interest
- 4 day assessed Instructional Techniques
- Level 3 Education and Training.
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