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The finer details

This level is more with regards to the horse care and management and begins to introduce the student to the concepts of Natural Horsemanship and the Equido system of work. It will introduce the student to the theories and concepts of energy and how they apply to the training of the horse. Again, everything is taken from the equine psychological point of view to allow the student to really begin to understand the equine mind and lay the foundations of good communications. This level is split into ten modules:

  • Methods of Restraint
  • Feeding and Watering
  • Handling
  • Equine Psychology
  • Health Checks
  • First Aid
  • Communicable Diseases
  • Introduction to Basic Fitness Training
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Loading and Unloading.


Equido Level Two

Delivery method


Who should attend?

What will be covered?

By the end of this course learners will:

  • Have an understanding of herbicides and COSHH requirements
  • Understand how to rough a horse off a bring back up into work
  • Have an knowledge of methods of calculating feed rations
  • knowledge of nutritional values of feedstuffs
  • knowledge of relating feed energy to work/training requirements
  • Have an knowledge of calculating and producing feed rations for specific types
  • Have an knowledge of equine psychology and basic introduction to Ki energy
  • knowledge of handling techniques
  • knowledge of body language and communication
  • Have a basic understanding of energy control and projection 
  • Have a basic understanding of directing the horse's feet during handling
  • Have an knowledge of the basic psyche of the horse and the impacts on their inter-relationships with the world them
  • Have an knowledge of basic drives in the horse species. 
  • Understand the basic minor ailments present in the horse
  • Have an knowledge of dehydration and treatment
  • Understand and be able to diagnose lameness
  • Have an knowledge of navicular
  • Have an knowledge of isolation and the psychological effects on the horse
  • Have an knowledge of sicknesses that can the horse e.g. laminitis, grass sickness colic, and have a knowledge of available treatments. 
  • Understand what is required within a first aid kit
  • Have an knowledge of the nature of wounds, the healing processes and treatment
  • knowledge of the treatment of minor ailments and major injuries
  • Have the ability to identify correctly fitting tack
  • Have an understanding of the different methods of a horse
  • Understand how to organise a programme 
  • Have an knowledge of the construction of bone and the skeleton of the horse
  • Basic understanding of the basic principles of loading
  • Understand the best practice and safety procedures of loading.

Other areas of interest

Equido Level One.

Equido Level Three.

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