Landscape Architect

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A career as a Landscape Architect

Landscape Architects improve the quality of both natural and built environments by designing and managing the open spaces around us. They provide innovative and aesthetically pleasing places for people to enjoy, while ensuring that changes to the natural environment are appropriate and sustainable.

Landscape Architects work on a range of projects in both urban and rural settings - from parks, gardens and housing estates to city centre design, sporting sites and motorway construction.

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You'll need:

  • good design/drawing skills, including computer-aided design (CAD)

  • an understanding of conservation and sustainability issues

  • knowledge of building and construction

  • to be thorough and pay attention to detail

  • creativity, imagination and enthusiasm

  • excellent communication and negotiating skills

  • to use your initiative

  • good verbal and written communication skills

Typical salaries
range from
Typical Hours

35-40 hours per week. Role may require occasional weekend and evening work, but mostly keeps to office hours, Monday to Friday.

Day to Day
  • Meet with clients to discuss their needs

  • Survey sites to look at existing plant and animal life, and natural resources

  • Liaise with other professionals such as scientists on the project

  • Write reports and environmental impact assessments

  • Get the views of local residents, businesses and other people who use the site

  • creating plans, designs and drawings using computer-aided design (CAD) programs

  • Present your design ideas to clients and negotiate any amendments to the final design

  • Draw up contracts and manage the tendering process for contractors

  • Monitor the progress of projects

Working Environment

You could work in an office, at a client's business or visit sites. Your working environment may be outdoors in all weather and you'll travel often.

Training Available

Training is an essential part of any job, giving you the skills and knowledge you need to do your job safely and correctly. It also helps to strengthen your current skill set and prepares you for the next stage in your career.


Apprenticeships help you build the experience and skills that employers want to see. No matter what stage you’re at, they’ll help set you up for a bright future. There are lots of ways to get involved.

Landscape Architect opportunities and careers paths

The most important landmark in your career is obtaining chartered membership of the Landscape Institute (LI), as this demonstrates that you are a fully qualified landscape architect and can add the letters CMLI after your name.

With experience, you could move on to a management position, become a partner in a private practice, or set up your own practice.

You could also take a teaching qualification and become a lecturer in landscape architecture at a university.


Landscape Architect will usually work in one of the following industries. Click below to find out more about possible career paths.

Forestry & Arboriculture

Trees don’t only bring pleasure to millions of us – they provide a broad range of career options to help manage habitats and fight climate change.

Woodlands and forests enhance and support our lives. Trees absorb and store carbon dioxide, provide wood, moderate climate, help regulate our supply of fresh water, prevent erosion and flooding, provide a wide range of habitats for people and wildlife, and bring huge pleasure and wellbeing to millions.

Forestry and timber also play a major role in developing a low carbon economy: planting new trees offsets emissions and helps lock-up carbon in construction. Each nation has their own tree-planting strategy and target to help achieve their net zero goals.

Careers tend to split into two main areas. Forestry is the science and practice of planting, managing and harvesting forests for wood and timber, while arboriculture involves cultivating and managing trees in urban environments, like parks, community spaces and private properties. While there’s some overlap in skills, foresters tend to manage forests and timber on a larger scale while arborists look after trees in smaller green spaces. Both options offer diverse, challenging career opportunities.

  • The area of woodland in the United Kingdom is estimated to be 3.2 million hectares

  • The UK has a tree-planting target of 30,000 hectares a year by 2024 – the equivalent of at least 90 million trees

  • 69% of the UK population visited woodland in 2021

  • In the Republic of Ireland, the area of forest is estimated to be 770,020 ha or 11% of the total land area of Ireland - over 50% of this is in public ownership, mainly through Coillte

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The UK and Republic of Ireland’s highways don’t just keep people and goods moving safely and efficiently – they offer lots of interesting career opportunities too.

Building and maintaining the UK’s highways is a huge undertaking. According to the RAC, there over 32,000 miles of major roads in the UK, making up 13% of all roads. An efficient, effective highway network is an important part of our economy – roads connect people to employment, health care, education and leisure, particularly in rural communities who depend on roads for economic growth. Keeping our road network in good working order is vital and each nation has its own dedicated road management agency to plan, design, build and operate major roads.

In the Republic of Ireland, the primary and secondary road network is some 5,306km long and is made up of motorways, dual carriageways and single lane roads.

Hundreds of workers carry out road improvements every day, following a carefully planned programme of maintenance. There are also roles available in planning and building new roads, with a variety of career options to help make sure this vital work is carried out safely and efficiently.

  • There are almost 32,000 miles of major roads in the UK

  • Motorways have the highest average traffic flow with 62,000 vehicles for each mile of motorway per day in 2020

  • Public sector spending on roads in the UK reached nearly £11 billion in 2020/21, with the amount spent on roads by local authorities being consistently higher than that spent on national roads

  • In the Republic of Ireland, €35bn of funding has been allocated for transport projects until 2030

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Horticulture & Landscaping

The world of horticulture and landscaping is fast-moving, ever-changing and leading the way in combatting climate change.

Growing and harvesting plants for financial, environmental or social benefits not only helps the environment, it can also boost wellbeing – and from lawn mowing to landscaping, greenkeeping to scientific research, horticulture offers a huge range of rewarding careers.

Humans have been been growing plants and maintaining the natural environment since ancient times and horticulture has never stopped changing and adapting. As we learn more about the impact of climate change and weather extremes, horticulturalists are dealing with some of the biggest issues of the day: what will we plant in the future if resources like water and nutrients become limited? How do we make the most of the rapid advances in growing techniques, machinery, and cultivation?

Horticulture and landscaping plays an important part in our economy. It’s a dynamic industry, with continuous research and development and a focus on using technology to make growing more sustainable. That has created a range of exciting job opportunities for people who are passionate about plants, science and growing solutions.

  • The UK horticulture industry is worth over £9 billion each year

  • The industry supports the employment of almost 340,000 people, with landscapers and retailers accounting for 83% of the total

  • Private gardening is an important activity for UK citizens, with households spending £7.5bn on gardening goods, including cut-flowers, a year

  • The Republic of Ireland's horticulture industry is valued at €477m; it is the fourth largest industry after dairy, beef and pigs in terms of gross agricultural commodity output value

  • The industry employs approximately 17,000 people in the Republic of Ireland - an estimated 6,600 people directly employed full-time and another 11,000 indirectly employed in value-added and downstream businesses

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Qualifications for a Landscape Architect

These courses are perfect if you are starting out on your career but they are also great for people already in jobs who want to improve their skills.

To find out more about qualification levels in the Republic of Ireland, please visit National Framework of Qualifications for Ireland (NFQIE)

To find out more about qualification levels in Scotland please visit Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).

Select level
Title Level

There is currently no training available

We don't currently have any training in this area, but we will update this area as soon as this becomes available. Please see the Qualifications or Apprenticeships tabs for other learning opportunities.

About Apprenticeships

Work, earn and learn

Whether you’re just starting out in the workplace, want to upskill or are considering changing direction, Apprenticeships are a fantastic way to build your career. Apprenticeships combine work with on-the-job training, so if you want to earn as you learn, there’s an apprenticeship out there for you – you can even start an apprenticeship if you already have a degree.

Apprenticeships for a career as an Landscape Architect

All about Apprenticeships

Work, earn and learn – no matter where you are in your career, an apprenticeship can set you up for a bright future.

Let’s get started!

Want to take on an apprentice? Employers start here.

What is an Apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a unique blend of work experience and study to help build the skills and knowledge you need for your career. Apprentices are employees – they have a contract, are paid and get the same benefits as everyone else. But the difference between an apprenticeship and a normal job is that apprentices are regularly released from work for training. Sometimes that’s a day a week, sometimes it’s for a longer block – it all depends on the job and the apprenticeship.

Apprentices work for all kinds of people at all kinds of stages in their lives. Most apprentices fall into one of three categories:

  • someone who is just starting their career
  • someone who already has a job and wants to move forward in their company
  • someone who already has a job and wants to retrain to make a career change.

Previously restricted to school leavers and young people, apprenticeships are now a dynamic way of retraining people of all ages - there’s no upper age limit. The minimum age to become an apprentice is 16 and candidates can’t be in full-time education.

Benefits of an Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships offer a unique combination of paid work and study. They’re an exciting option for anyone who wants to gain experience, upskill or change career while working.

They offer a chance to work, learn and earn:

  • workplace experience and skills development
  • a nationally recognised qualification
  • employee benefits and a wage
  • no student loans or tuition fees
  • contact with industry professionals.


Interested in becoming an apprentice? Search for current opportunities and apply here.

Find your apprenticeship

You can also check vacancies on employer websites or get in touch with your local careers service.

Apprenticeship Stories

What’s it like to work, earn and learn? Find out what apprentice life is really like.

Explore apprenticeship stories

Alternatives to Apprenticeships

Useful Information

Useful Links

Landscape Institute (LI)
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Arboricultural Association
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The Institute of Chartered Foresters
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Confederation of Forest Industries (Confor)
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Royal Forestry Society
Find out more

Woodland Trust
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Forestry and Land Scotland
Find out more

Scottish Forestry
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Forestry England
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Forestry Commission
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Natural Resources Wales
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Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE)
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Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT)
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Transport Scotland
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National Highways
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Highways – Welsh Government
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Department of Infrastructure - Northern Ireland
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Horticulture Wales
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Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society (The Caley)
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Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)
Find out more

Chartered Institute of Horticulture (CIH)
Find out more

Horticulture Forum NI
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Horticultural Trades Association (HTA)
Find out more

Funding Options

Thinking about your finances is important when you're looking at courses and training - different types of funding support is available depending on what type of course you're interested in and where you are located. We recommend you contact the training provider for more information on course costs and financing, but here are some links to connect you to support available:

Skills Hub Scotland

Skills Hub Scotland is an online skill sharing marketplace creating new opportunities to learn and share skills. Wherever you are located - if you have a skill to share, or a skill to learn, Skills Hub Scotland can help.

Initially founded as a response to the Scottish Government’s CivTech 5 programme in 2020 and aiming to offer a platform for those in rural or remote locations, Skills Hub Scotland has been developed into an important sectoral resource. If you have a skill to share with others or are a training provider, list your workshop or course (all skills from all sectors are welcome). If you are a learner, use Skills Hub Scotland to search for and book a course!


STEM is an approach to learning and development that incorporates the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Learning in STEM connects to Education for Sustainable Development/Learning for Sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals – this helps learners to understand that STEM plays a vital role in finding solutions to real world issues or challenges such as protecting biodiversity and tackling climate change. There are multiple pathways into a land-based STEM career including apprenticeships, further and higher education. This means that a career in STEM is open to everyone!

STEM Learning is the largest provider of STEM education and careers support in the UK. Their STEM Ambassadors programme sees volunteers representing a vast range of STEM-related jobs work with young people to bring STEM subjects alive through real life experiences. They help to open the doors to a world of opportunities and possibilities which come from pursuing STEM subjects and careers. To become a STEM Ambassador, you can register via the STEM Learning website:

Lantra have worked in collaboration with STEM Ambassadors in Scotland to create two specific UK-wide Ambassadors schemes - Forestry and Aquaculture. Through these schemes, we want to make sure that those working in forestry and aquaculture have the support materials they need to take part in STEM activities. To find out more and register for the schemes, please follow the links below:

Smart Futures helps young people in Ireland discover the STEM subjects and careers that might be right for them. Co-ordinated and managed by Science Foundation Ireland, their programme allows young people to connect with people that are working in STEM, the organisations they’re working in and what their interests and skills are.

Not sure what you want to do?

Why not take a look at the Industries Explorer as an introduction to the different areas you could work in.

If we can support you with any specific information, please click the button below to get in touch.