Get in touch

You can contact us by using the form or telephone number below. Please note that we have FAQ's page which may provide you with the information that you are looking for.

Please refer to our FAQs page before contacting us, you may find what you need listed there. If not, do feel free to get in touch.


If you require a replacement Lantra Certificate, Skills ID card or NHSS Smartcard or Certificate, please complete the appropriate form below and return to

More information about how we store and use data can be found here in our Privacy Policy

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Our offices

Lantra - England
Stoneleigh Park, Coventry,

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Phone: 024 7669 6996

Lantra - Scotland
Inveralmond Business Centre, Auld Bond Rd, Perth PH1 3FX

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Phone: 01738 310164

Lantra - Wales
Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells, Powys, LD2 3WY

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Phone: 01982 552646

Lantra - Northern Ireland
The Business Centre, 80-82 Rainey Street, Magherafelt, Co Londonderry, BT45 5AJ

Follow us on social media

Phone: 024 7669 6996

Lantra - Rep. Ireland
The Business Centre, 80-82 Rainey Street, Magherafelt, Co Londonderry, BT45 5AJ

Follow us on social media

Phone: 024 7669 6996