Case Studies

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Daisy Wright: Grounds Maintenance Officer

Daisy Wright is a Grounds Maintenance Officer at Harmeny School in Balerno, which offers therapeutic care and education to young people aged 5-18 years. She changed career in her thirties by taking part in a Modern Apprenticeship and now loves her job in horticulture, working outdoors being physical with her hands in the soil!

Sarah Yeaman: Forest Machine Operator

Sarah works in Perthshire as a Forest Machine Operator - her job involves operating forwarders, harvesters and chainsaws. In this video, she tells us what she loves about her job working outside after leaving her previous career in engineering.

Paul Thomson: Agricultural Engineer

Paul is an Agricultural Engineer with Agricar in Angus - in this video, he tells us how an apprenticeship helped him get a job he loves.

Katie Brown: Highways Delivery Technician

After previously working in engineering for 16 years, Katie Brown embarked upon a change in career based on her passion for the environment and people. She gained a degree in Land Management (Conservation) from Moulton College in partnership with Northampton University, and after completing work experience and practical training courses as part of her studies, landed a job as a Countryside Ranger. Katie worked in this area for a few local authorities, but found it a challenge to gain permanent roles – this led to her becoming a Highways Delivery Technician, a role she has held for almost five years.

“I have always enjoyed engineering and practical tasks, as well as engaging with people. I have a keen interest in mapping, with an eye for visual graphs and problem-solving. I thrive on being adaptable, working on multiple tasks concurrently. My job allows me to enjoy my personal life and most importantly, it gives me a sense of worth. I was diagnosed with dyslexia later in my life, which means I am more comfortable in technical work as opposed to having to digest lots of words! My employer has been extremely supportive, providing me with the equipment and tools to help me in my job, such as a standing desk and speech recognition software.”

Katie’s role with Warwickshire County Council involves ensuring the local authority upholds its duty of care for safe traffic diversions while working with traffic management contractors.

“On a typical working day, I will receive applications for road closures, and need to ensure permissions from different authorities and the Highways Agency are in place, using their network for diversion routes. I mainly work from home, with around 50% of my time using different route management systems including GIS and national mapping. I need to identify any use clashes on the road network and try to resolve them by liaising with third parties. I ensure the network and diversion is safe, sending appropriate documents to the legal team, who in turn issue a legal order and site notices. I then ensure site notices are displayed and third parties including the emergency services etc., are informed of the closures and diversions. The least enjoyable part of my role is overly long diversion routes, as they can take up a lot of time!”

Regarding training and development, Katie has found that her employer takes investing in her career seriously. She has completed Sector Scheme courses and is currently undertaking a Basic Highways Maintenance course at Bath College.

“I have completed the Lantra Highway Sector Scheme 12D course to ensure I have the necessary technical knowledge and skills to be able to implement correct traffic management requirements. This training was challenging – it was more theoretical, and the exam was heavy going, compared to practical courses. Training is key for me to demonstrate competence and it allows growth beyond the job I currently hold. It helps me be more professional and deliver improved results. I aspire to be the best at my job that I can be – I want to understand what happens on the ground, specifically the practical work that contractors do, so I am fully informed in my role.”

“I’d sum up my role in these three words – interesting, dynamic, and best of all, supported.”