The Forestry Skills Forum (FSF) is dedicated to promoting education, skills, learning and development across the forestry sector in England and Wales. Members comprise the sector’s leading authorities, charities, companies, educational institutions and training providers. The FSF is an independent group, supported by The Forestry Commission and is currently chaired by Dr Helen Manns, Director, Institute of Science and Environment, University of Cumbria. The work of the forum is informed by members and by four subgroups:
Schools Sub Group - led by Becky Wilkinson
CPD and training Sub Group - renamed Skills Group - led by Rob Hawkins
College and University Sub Group - current Trailblazer group – led by Steve Fowkes
Attraction and Retention – led by Richard Hunter
The purpose of the Forestry Skills Forum is to:
The primary objectives of the Forestry Skills Forum are to:
At the undergraduate level (HN to degree) you can study the following remotely through the Scottish School of Forestry, which is based at Inverness College UHI:
If you are interested in Masters level study you can study the following at the University of Bangor:
In 2020 the RFS offered a number of online training courses available to members and non-members. Their 2021 programme is live now.
Woodland to Workshop courses are available here. In agreement with the Institute of Chartered Foresters, members of the Institute are able to claim up to a maximum of 24 hours CPD for attendance and participation in these courses.