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This Lantra-accredited Customised Award is exclusively developed and delivered by a Lantra-approved Training Provider, who meets our quality standards. The course is specifically tailored to meet learners’ needs. For further details about the course content and delivery locations, please contact the Training Provider using the details provided below.

The minimum age to undertake this course is 16.


This module provides knowledge for the role of a Wildfire Liaison Officer working with the Fire and Rescue Services.

This course is delivered by the Forestry Commission and all enquiries should be sent to

The finer details

By the end of the module, in the context of a Wildfire Liaison Officer, you will be able to:
Understand the Vegetation Fire training module structure
How to prepare for the Wildfire Liaison Officer function
Undertake Initial actions upon arrival at an incident
Work with Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) Incident Commander, Operational Commander and/or Command Support Officer
Conduct Initial working with Fire and Rescue Service Wildfire Tactical Advisors/Wildfire Support Officers / Incident Command Team
Manage Maturity of joint working with Fire and Rescue Service Wildfire Tactical Advisors/Wildfire Support Officers / Incident Command Team
Work within JESIP for multi-agency incident including TCGs and SCGs, JESIP principles and the correct tabards etc.
Get objectives and tasking from FRS and communicating that to Land manager controllers/commanders
Make an assessment of supporting resources capabilities and capacity needed
Conduct recovery considerations that should be implemented within response phase decision making and well as handover planning
How to undertake de-escalation of incident
Manage the final actions at the end of an incident
Provide information into After Action Reviews (AAR) and Cold Debriefs
Wildfire Liaison Officer

Delivery method


Recognised by

Lantra Awards

Who should attend?

For forestry, game management, conservation, farming and other rural and urban land managers who need to liaise with Fire and Rescue Services during wildfire incidents.

What will be covered?

Training Aim: 
To provide land managers with wildfire response with liaison knowledge to support FRS operational and tactical decision making.
Training Objectives:
1. To clearly define the processes needed to support FRS Incident Commander, Operations Commander and/or Command Support Officer in providing information during wildfire incident.
2. Improved operational and tactical understanding of wildfire incident management.
3. To define the knowledge topics required when liaising with FRS during a wildfire incident.
4. To define the land management priorities and assets that could impact FRS decision making. 
5. To support FRS Incident Command Teams, including Wildfire Tactical Advisors and Wildfire Support Officers if in attendance.
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