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Controlling grey squirrel is now key within forestry to protect tree stock and restrict grey squirrel movement in areas inhabited with native Red Squirrels.

The finer details

This course will cover:

  • Ecology and distribution
  • Why control grey squirrels
  • Non target species
  • Squirrel law and government schemes
  • Squirrel signs and serving for squirrels
  • Methods of control and squirrel control strategies

Delivery method

Classroom and practical demonstration and assessment

Recognised by

Lantra Awards

Who should attend?

This training is suitable for the novice and experienced wildlife manager, undertaking work within woodland environment.

What will be covered?

Upon successful completion of the course, candidates will be able to:

  • Have an understanding of why we control grey squirrels their ecology and distribution and the non-target species that can be found in the same area's.
  • The law and the government schemes surrounding squirrel management.
  • Be able to set a number of live catch and kill traps.
  • Prove competence with a sub 12 foot pounds air rifle.
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