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A detailed look at the operational planning and site design considerations in relation to BS 8646:2023 – Code of Practice, with general best practice advice for businesses working with autonomous mobile machines in agriculture and horticulture in the UK. 

The finer details

Site design and pre-planning are two important parts of the new Code of Practice and this course covers all the relevant factors a business should consider to ensure compliance. It explains the impact of new regulations and what pre-planning is required when adopting autonomous machines in the workplace. 
It looks at the main areas that are highlighted by the Code of Practice such as public rights of way, assessing existing infrastructure, ensuring the site meets the specific limitations of the autonomous machine being adopted and the implications for staff training and commissioning. Mapping, route planning and transport are covered in detail alongside other best practice advice for pre-planning and site design. 

Who should attend?

  • Senior staff responsible for adopting autonomous mobile machines into the workplace
  • Employees responsible for autonomous machinery (operators, maintenance/repairs)
  • Manufacturers using or installing autonomous machinery
  • Distributors selling autonomous machinery in the UK and their integrators 

What will be covered?

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand how BS 8646:2023 – Code of Practice, impacts the obligations placed upon employers and their staff when planning for the integration of autonomous mobile machinery in UK agriculture and horticulture.
  • Be better prepared by understanding the key issues for operational planning and site design for the safe adoption of autonomous machinery.
  • Understand the importance of assessing the site, planning for new infrastructure and taking account of staff training, the commissioning process, mapping, data planning and transport.
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