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To provide participants with greater knowledge of the specific role of Observer in an Incident Management System, with reference to the Forestry Commission Incident Management System, Defra Generic Plant Health Contingency Plan and other approaches, to provide the knowledge to work effectively as part of a Site, Local or National Incident Management Team for incidents or events.

This is for either internal working or external interoperability and/or coordination with other organisations and the emergency services using JESIP.

The delivery method for this course is either E-Learning or Classroom.

This course is delivered by the Forestry Commission and all enquiries should be sent to

The finer details

The course provides knowledge and assessment on:

Principles of Incident Management
Civil Contingencies and Multi-Agency Working
Structure and Management of an Incident
Shared Situational Awareness and Decision Making
Levels of Command and Control
After Action Review and Organisational Learning

Delivery method


Who should attend?

Junior, middle and senior managers in the land management and Plant Health sectors who would work at Site, Local and/or National levels, respectively, who undertake the role of the Observer.

This can be for a wide range incident types and events including, but not exclusive too; Plant Health, Animal Health, Wildfires, Missing Persons, Pollution, Storms/High Wind damage (including windblow) as well as recreation sites, visitor centres, public engagement, volunteer programmes, festivals and concerts.

What will be covered?

The following is covered:
What is Incident Management and the core principles as defined in the Incident Management System (IMS)
Role, Responsibilities and Tasks of the Observer.
Use of Observers in incidents, exercises and events.
Working with other organisations and responders.
Working with other functions and roles within the Incident Management Team 
How to develop effective Incident Management Team structures. 
How to improve shared situational awareness and decision making.
How to effective use command and control.
How to be part of an effective After Action Review.
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