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To provide participants with knowledge and skills of the application of the Forestry Commission Incident Management System and provide the incident management skills to work effectively as part of a Site Incident Management Team for incidents or events.
This is for either internal working or external interoperability and/or coordination with other organisations and the emergency services using JESIP.
This course is delivered by the Forestry Commission and all enquiries should be sent to
The finer details
Training Objectives:
Delivery method
Classroom and practicalCourse description:
Who should attend?
For junior managers who manage incident or events involving; craftsperson, rangers, wardens, inspectors, or who are site managers, festival/concert event managers etc. working in forests, visitor centres, parks, nature reserves, single farms etcWhat will be covered?
1. Demonstrate personal resilience and self-discipline to meet the demands of incident, emergency management or events
2. Implement dynamic or analytical risk assessments to identify the likelihood and severity of incidents or events that could occur in their area of responsibility
3. Implement preparedness and prevention measures to minimise or remove the risk of possible incidents and events
4. Use the key principles of incident management to implement contingency plans for the response (and recovery) to incidents and emergencies in your area of responsibility
5. Ensure the correct balance and tempo between undertaking an Incident Management Team meeting, Tasking actions and achieving outcomes
6. Participate as an effective member of the Incident Management Team, either planning for meetings, within meetings, or making or supporting actions occur through tasking
7. Promote personal and organisational preparedness in advance to ensure operational readiness using training and exercises
8. Obtain and analyse available information and intelligence to inform decision making in accordance with organisational requirements
9. Make critical decisions based on the best available information and the key principles of incident management in accordance with organisational requirements and policy
10. Establish and communicate the aim, objectives and strategy for dealing with the incident, emergency or event in accordance with organisational requirements and create an incident action plan
11. Establish and implement the appropriate level of management team for the incident, emergency or event, planning for predicted escalation and including all relevant functions in the management team structure
12. Confirm that options, decisions, rationale and actions are fully logged and recorded in accordance with organisational requirements
13. Establish effective communications with all those involved in the response to the incident, emergency or event
14. Work effectively in co-operation with partner organisations at a multi-agency level in accordance with the Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP)
15. Confirm safety procedures are in place to establish a safe system of work for all personnel attending the incident, emergency or event at all times
16. Obtain and provide technical and professional advice from suitable sources, such as subject matter advisors, to inform decision making in accordance with organisational requirements
17. Review the needs of the incident or emergency and the scale of required resources and confirm their availability
18. Continually monitor the incident management structure and the functions in use to ensure it changes to reflect the developing incident, emergency or event as necessary
19. Establish information sharing with partner agencies and confirm that relevant organisations have sufficient, accurate and timely information to enable effective co-ordination of response activities
20. Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy and tactics implemented during the incident or emergency response and use this information to identify learning and inform future practice
21. Ensure that a thorough investigation of the incident or emergency cause is carried out and is used to confirm or improve prevention and preparedness activities
22. Confirm provision of continued support for individuals adversely affected by incidents or emergencies in accordance with organisational requirements
Other areas of interest
Wildfire Management Plan Module
Vegetation Fire Operator Module
Vegetation Fire Foundation Module
Local Incident Management Team Workshop
IMS - Team, Section and Group Leader Role
IMS - Subject Matter Advisor Role
IMS - Response and/or Recovery Officer Role
IMS - Operations Commander Role
IMS - Investigation Officer Role
IMS - Intelligence Officer Role
IMS - Incident Controller and Deputy Role
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