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Lantra's qualification has full accreditation Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. It is also accredited by:

Ofqual – Level 3 Work Based Diploma in Veterinary Nursing – Small Animal

QiW - Level 3 Work Based Diploma in Veterinary Nursing – Small Animal

SQA - Diploma in Veterinary Nursing – Small Animal at SCQF Level 7


It has been streamlined so that it's clearer and easier to understand. This has been done without compromise on quality. 

For example, this qualification has just 5 units- and fewer, but more targeted, assessments.

We've also made difficult parts of the syllabus easier to digest by breaking them down into bitesize chunks.

We've taken this fresh approach after working with a wide array of Registered Veterinary Nurses (RVNs) and Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVSs).

These RVNs and MRCVSs are from veterinary nursing colleges and veterinary practices across the UK.


The finer details

Lantra's new qualification has been shaped through consultation with many experienced RVNs and MRCVSs.

It meets the stringent standards of the RCVS Standards Framework for Veterinary Nurse Education and Training.

We've also strived to ensure that it works for you. We want you to have the best experience possible as a student veterinary nurse.

As well as receiving top quality training at college, you will complete a minimum of 1800 hours of clinical practice within your training practice.

You'll be assigned your own Tutor and Clinical Supervisor to guide you throughout your studies, and will have regular tutorials to keep you focused and motivated.

At Lantra, we want you to succeed and have tried to ensure that you have every opportunity to do so.

For example, should you need to resit a multiple-choice question paper, you won't need to wait to the end of the next term. Instead, this can potentially be done at a time to suit you, through remote invigilation from the comfort of your own home.

Similarly, you have only one assignment to complete. We can't pretend that this will be easy but we can promise you plenty of support and time to complete this.

We have also minimised the amount of administration for your Nursing Progress Log e-portfolio to maximise time spent practising clinical skills. It also gives you vital time for reflective practice which is so important for your professional development.

And when you have passed all your assessments and are ready to complete your practical assessments, we want that to be a positive experience. Hence, we don't limit how many times you can resit, so that you can relax in that knowledge and perform to the best of your ability.

Registration with the RCVS

After successful completion of your qualification, you'll gain a Lantra qualification certificate which demonstrates your competence.

You'll then be able to register as an RVN with the RCVS, and be able to wear the RCVS' coveted RVN badge. You will then legally be able to work as an RVN for equine species.

Worth noting: This will not preclude you from working with other species, but they will not be specifically focused upon.

A note on funding: Lantra also offers an apprenticeship route for veterinary nursing.

You may also be eligible for funding as a veterinary nursing apprentice. Ask your veterinary nursing college for details on this.

Recognised by

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)

Who should attend?

Anyone aged 16+ who meets the prerequisites and has an interest in becoming an RVN for cats, dogs, rabbits and associated species.

Ideally, you'll already be working within an RCVS approved veterinary practice.

If not, you'll be assigned to a suitable practice by your veterinary nursing college.


What will be covered?

By the end of this qualification, you'll have gained knowledge and clinical skills for the veterinary nursing of small animals.

As you progress through the qualification, your knowledge, understanding and competence will be assessed in:

  • Animal husbandry and welfare
  • Communication and working relationships
  • Daily practice - the team, health and safety, stock and waste and record keeping
  • Nursing care plans, models, clinics, and home care
  • Preparing for professional registration
  • Cell structure
  • Central nervous system and associated nursing
  • Infection control, disinfection and sterilisation
  • Laboratory diagnostics
  • Musculoskeletal system and associated nursing
  • Skin, wound care and bandaging
  • Body fluids, homeostasis and fluid therapy
  • Circulatory system and associated nursing
  • Urinary system and associated nursing
  • Medicines and dispensary management
  • First aid, emergency and critical care nursing
  • Respiratory system and associated nursing
  • Digestion, nutrition and feeding
  • Reproduction and breeding and associated nursing
  • Endocrine system and associated nursing
  • Pain management
  • Diagnostic imaging
  • Anaesthesia
  • Operating theatre management and nursing care.


Other areas of interest

Level 4 Award as a Suitably Qualified Person

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