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Learn how to perform FECs on your canine samples. Identify worm eggs, lungworm larvae, giardia, coccidia and cryptosporidia.

The finer details

Gain knowledge of the parasites that affect the health and well-being of dogs. Learn how and when to treat, along with control and prevention management.

This self-paced course is delivered by means of video presentations, quizzes and assessments.

Delivery method


Who should attend?

Pet owners, Kennels, Breeders, SQPs, Vets

What will be covered?

  • Understand the science behind FECs and the different techniques that can be used to assess various parasites
  • Gain knowledge of the different parasites that affect dogs
  • Collect, prepare and analyse samples
  • Calculate the parasite burden of a sample
  • Be competent in the use of a microscope and sampling equipment
  • Identify parasites found in a sample
  • Interpret results of an FEC and understand the appropriate use of anthelmintics
  • Understand the methods of prevention and control of parasites