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The finer details

The course involves identifying the risks and benefits associated with grazing across multiple habitats, a detailed overview of grazing and grazing systems, enabling attendees to understand livestock and their role in conservation, as well as biodiversity management.

Exploring the benefits and risks associated with conservation grazing across multiple habitats.

You will learn the complexities of grazing regimes and their application alongside animal health, welfare and behaviour as well as the key legislation, the different roles and responsibilities involved with livestock keeping. Understand legal responsibilities and requirements of keepers/owners of livestock, including health & safety, risk assessments, and how to safely and effectively handle livestock. 

Delivery method

Theory and Practical

Recognised by

Lantra Awards

Who should attend?

The course is suitable for those involved in conservation grazing or for those looking to gain a detailed understanding of the principles of the sector. It would be suitable for, but not limited to: farmers, site managers, ecologists, small holders, rangers, conservation organisations and managers.

What will be covered?

The course consists of a mix of both indoor sessions (classroom) and also site visits. We will examine the different types of grazing and related management issues, look at livestock handling and stock checking including health & safety. 
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