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The aim of this course is to give you the tools to enable you to complete an environmental audit of your farm or land-based business and identify where you can save resources, use Best Available Techniques, cut costs, plan for your waste and reduce waste and comply with new legislation.

The finer details

The aim of this course is to give you the tools to enable you to complete an environmental audit of your farm or land based business and identify where you can save resources, use Best Available Techniques, cut costs, plan for your waste and reduce waste and comply with new legislation.

Who should attend?

Any one with a rural business based in Wales. The course is aimed at farmers, but anyone wanting to improve the sustainability wuld find the course interesting.

What will be covered?

  • Understand the background to Environmental policy and legislation.
  • Understand your local Environment, resources, cycles, pollution and biodiversity
  • Understand business aspects, processes and impacts.
  • Investigate impacts and remedial measures/ tools which can be used to reduce Environmental and Health and Safety impacts
  • Understand the use of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and how we can apply these to your business.
  • Environmental audit of a fictional enterprise and use Benchmarking tools which can be of use to you in your own business.
  • Understand the requirements of Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations 2021.
  • Understand farm risk maps
  • Understand Farm nutrient management plans
  • Understand Green House Gases
  • Understand Carbon footprint auditing, Carbon neutral and mitigation measures
  • Planning for the future of your business - SWOT analysis and action plans
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