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To train and educate clients to be confident stalkers and proficient and safe in gun handling and shooting. Including to be familiar with all laws and seasons relating to deer.

The finer details

  • Carcase inspections
  • Disease and deformities
  • Deer ID
  • Field shooting positions
  • Shot placements
  • Safety
  • Laws and Seasons
  • Rep Ireland Law
  • Ticks

Delivery method

Theory and Practical

Recognised by

Lantra Awards

Who should attend?

Anyone interested in deer stalking over 18.

What will be covered?

The course objection is to successfully train and educate students to become competent in all aspects of deer stalking, gun handling, shooting and safety awareness.


Other areas of interest

Large Game Meat Hygiene

Deer Stalking Proficiency - Advanced 2

Deer Stalking – Irish Law and Section 42


Wild game meat and hygiene course would be an additional add on, if requested by individuals.

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