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This course aims to provide candidates with an understanding of the issues involved with tasks involving any form of manual handling, specific to the temporary traffic management industry. This includes the potential injuries that may be incurred, preventative measures to reduce the potential of such injuries and the possible resulting personal injury claims, and to ensure compliance with the current legislation.
The finer details
On completion of the course the candidates should be able to:
- Define “manual handling”
- Understand the legislation applicable to manual handling operations
- Understand how manual handling can cause injuries
- Understand the potential issues involved with temporary traffic management operations
- Understand good handling techniques
- Understand the principles for controlling manual handling risk & apply these to a practical situation
Recognised by
Up To Speed Training and Assessment Ltd and Lantra AwardsCourse description:
Who should attend?
All persons with either a responsibility for managing or installing temporary traffic management schemes.What will be covered?
On completion of the course the candidates should be able to:
- Define “manual handling”
- Understand the legislation applicable to manual handling operations
- Understand how manual handling can cause injuries
- Understand the potential issues involved with temporary traffic management operations
- Understand good handling techniques
- Understand the principles for controlling manual handling risk & apply these to a practical situation
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