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The finer details

A two day course commencing in the classroom with a PowerPoint presentation covering all aspects of running a high powered rifle range. We currently have six ranges extending to two miles. Videos footage will be shown to the Learners during the first day to familiarise them with the locations. The afternoon of the first day will cover High Muzzle Energy rifles as we regularly use calibres up to an including .416 Barratt. Day two will be a practical assessment with the Learners physically running a detail on our 100 yard range at Long town. The range is next to our training facility. There will be a practical assessment of their ability to deal with emergency situations including helicopter casualty removal. Written assessment will follow.

Delivery method

Theory and Practical

Recognised by


Who should attend?

Individuals recommended by their Home Office Approved Rifle Club Chairman.

What will be covered?

Everything required to run a high velocity rifle range saely and in accordance with current Best Practice.
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