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Conservationists look at conservation grazing through the lens of plant species and habitat type. Farmers look at this through cattle and sheep grazing as part of the process of producing food. This course covers the middle ground of integration of both sets of objectives to achieve a synergy.

The finer details

Sessions include:

Session 1 - What is Conservation grazing ?
Session 2 - Identify Main habitat types- characteristics 
   (to include Marshy Grassland, heather moorland, species-rich pastures and hayfields, acidic grassland etc
Session 3 - Grazing characteristics of various species, and within species breed differences. Basic ruminant digestion, horse digestion. 
Session 4 - Matching grazing to habitat- to include timings, stage of growth, vet and med considerations such as worming etc. 
Session 5 - Traditional management systems- stratification of sheep Industry etc. 
Session 6 - Boundary management for stock and flora and fauna. Habitat value of dry stone walls, hedges, shelter belts, field margins. 
Session 7 - Carbon cycle, carbon sequestration, carbon footprint. 
Session 8 - Recoding data for Agri environment schemes. 

Who should attend?

Farmers and land managers who are part of an agri-environment scheme, farmers and land managers that wish to incorporate traditional and sustainable management practices. Conservationists, ecologists, volunteers, nature trust staff responsible for managing areas of habitat land.

What will be covered?

  • Assess habitat type on a farm.
  • Match grazing requirements to conservation objectives. 
  • Choose grazing management systems compatible with agricultural market demands.
  • Operate management systems to fulfil biodiversity objectives including hedges, dry stone walls and general boundary management on an agricultural holding.
  • Evaluate grazing characteristics of different species and breeds within species.
  • Efficiently record data and evidence for review of effectiveness of different grazing regimes. 

Other areas of interest

  • Woodland Management for conservation 
  • Control of Invasive species
  • Dry Stone Walling 
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