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Topics covered include:

• Principles of wildfire behaviour

• Suppression techniques

• Health and safety

The finer details

A basic understanding of how materials burn including combustion, common methods to control combustion and methods of heat transfer.

A basic understanding of factors affecting wildfire behaviour including fuel, topography and weather.

A basic understanding of how wildfires develop including terminology, rate of spread, intensity, severity and the different types of fires.

A basic understanding of wildfire suppression including tactics, LACES, direct and indirect techniques.

A basic understanding of interacting with Fire and Rescue Services at wildfires including the Incident Command System (ICS) and the Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP).

Delivery method


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Who should attend?

The course is suitable for anyone involved in land management or the forestry sectors, from the experienced to the novice.

What will be covered?

A basic understanding of how materials burn

A basic understanding of factors affecting wildfire behaviour

A basic understanding of how wildfires develop

A basic understanding of wildfire suppression

A basic understanding of interacting with Fire and Rescue Services at wildfires

Other areas of interest

  • Ignite: Firewood Production and Supply (1 day course)
  • Ignite: Managing Woods for Woodfuel (1 day course)
  • Ignite: Woodfuel Production and Supply (3 day course)
  • Ignite: Woodfuel Quality Standards (1 day course)
  • Trees and Timber Measurement (1 day course)
  • Forestry and Climate Change (2 day course).
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