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We have updated the way that our Aerial refresher suite is delivered to reflect the changes to best climbing practice laid out in the new Technical Guide 1: Tree Climbing & Aerial Rescue.
Often when carrying out works on trees free fall techniques are not suitable, this is where aerial rigging comes into play.
This advanced Aerial technique allows the safe and controlled removal of sections of tree and can be especially useful in the urban environment due to the high likelihood of buildings and other infrastructure being in the drop zone.
This is a hands-on course that delivers both practical skills and health and safety guidance as well as demonstrating that you and your employer have completed sufficient training to meet the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER).
We also use high-quality course materials to accurately reflect current safe working practices.
The finer details
Our course is a balanced mix of theory and practice.
You'll be guided through all the relevant health and safety guidelines to ensure you stay protected on the job.
After a look at pre-work preparation, you'll then move on to the hands-on aspect of the course.
All the appropriate techniques will be covered, from equipment inspection prior to carrying out work to disposal of the waste afterwards.
Worth noting: This a physically demanding course, so you'll need at least a minimum level of fitness.
Delivery method
Theory/practicalCourse description:
Who should attend?
This course is for those who have previously achieved a course in aerial tree rigging and need to refresh their skills.What will be covered?
This course will refresh your skills in the following areas:
- Understand the legislation and safety guidelines associated with carrying out aerial tree rigging
- Understand when to use aerial tree rigging
- Understand the responsibilities of individuals involved in a rigging operation
- Plan the work site
- Select suitable access methods and work positioning techniques
- Identify component parts of a rigging system
- Carry out equipment inspection and identify defects
- Understand the difference between rigging anchor point above and below load
- Understand how to install a rigging point above and below load
- Select and correctly configure rigging equipment
- Use a variety of rigging attachments
- Understand and carry out a variety of timber removal techniques
- Correctly install and position a pull / tag line
- Understand and calculate peak loads generated in rigging operations
- Store rigging equipment after use.
Date | Location | Provider | |
25/02/2025 | Ringlink Services Ltd |
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