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This course Duration is two days training followed by milking assessment. Including practical milking.

Location Based on demand. Local groups can be arranged.

Assessment Theory based written assessment and practical milking assessment.

The finer details

The programme is designed to develop your skills as a milker to ensure that all cows are milked effectively and efficiently.

This brings together the theory element of milking and the practical implementation of the theory.

The tutors for the course have been specifically trained and course content designed to ensure best milking practice.

Milking Skills Programme (Skills Card)

Delivery method

Classroom and practical

Who should attend?

Trainees who wish to develop skills as a milker to ensure that all cows are milked effectively and efficiently.

What will be covered?

The course covers:


  • Milking routine
  • Cluster attachment
  • Milk quality
  • Washing up
  • Mastitis prevention
  • Drying off.
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