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At your4legs our aim is to enable as many animals as possible to feel the benefits of good therapy work.

The course is completed through a mixture of home study and practical days.

Students have 4 home study blocks to complete, where they will learn 9 key equine anatomy and physiology systems, the fundamentals of complementary therapies and the theory of the therapy process – from veterinary approval through to the therapy session and giving aftercare advise. Students will also learn relevant business development skills.

Students will learn over 30 individual therapy techniques encompassing sports massage, deep tissue massage, joint mobilising techniques, limb stretches, Light Touch Release (LTR) and soft tissue rolling developed specifically for the your4legs courses.

The therapy process, including gait and static assessment, will be practised during 12 intense hands on tutored practical days. The practical days will also include key lectures relating to the therapy process, the musculoskeletal system and other important aspects of equine care including farriery, dentistry and saddle fitting.

The finer details

The course includes 4 home study theory blocks and 12 intense hands-on practical days.

The course pack includes a comprehensive textbook designed specifically for the course by the your4legs team, together with a workbook which contains questions related to each home study block. The questions need to be completed by the student as part of their home study and marks will count towards their final theory mark.

Students need to complete a range of case studies and a small project on a subject of their choice that is related to equine therapy.

There is a final written exam and a practical assessment. The practical is marked by an external assessor to ensure consistency of quality.

The home study theory blocks are designed to give students the necessary understanding of 9 key anatomy systems including the musculoskeletal system, the fundamentals of therapy and the theory of the therapy process – from veterinary approval through static and gait assessment to the therapy session and giving relevant aftercare advise. Students will also learn the key aspects of starting their own business and key equine injuries and conditions related to a range of disciplines.

The 12 hands-on practical days include a range of lectures to enhance the learning from the home study blocks with specific lectures related to gait and static assessments, the musculoskeletal and nervous system and other areas of equine care including farriery, dentistry and saddle fitting.


Equine Sports and Remedial Massage Practitioner Course

Delivery method

Classroom and practical

Recognised by

Accredited AIM Assessments & Qualifications (who are regulated by Ofqual). Recognised by the IAAT (International Association of Animal Therapies) as acceptable for student / practitioner membership of the IAAT

Who should attend?


  • Those who are already qualified as therapists and wish to learn additional therapy skills
  • Adults looking for a career change
  • Veterinary professionals – vets and vet nurses
  • Those already working within the equine industry and wishing to broaden their skills and add to their passion – for example behaviourists, trainers and riding instructors


What will be covered?

During the course the following key areas will be covered:

  • X9 equine anatomy and physiology systems
  • The therapy process – from veterinary approval through to aftercare advise.
  • Gait and static assessment and understanding lameness
  • Key illnesses, injuries and conditions related to specific equine disciplines
  • Sports massage techniques
  • Deep tissue massage techniques
  • Adapting massage techniques to warm up and activate muscles prior to activity
  • Adapting massage techniques to cool down muscles and help remove toxins after activity 
  • Fascia and muscle rolling (Designed by your4legs during extensive practise and results over more than 10 years of therapy work)
  • Light Touch Release (LTR) Techniques (Designed by your4legs)
  • Working the bladder meridian
  • Limb stretches
  • Joint mobilisation techniques
  • Health and safety around the horses and correct technique application to look after yourself as a therapist for the long term
  • Understanding and establishing trust with the horse from the ground
  • Legal practice - complying with the Veterinary Act 1966 and Exemptions Order 2015
  • Support with Veterinary report writing, and aftercare advise plans
  • Managing the clients’ expectations and Communication with the veterinary community
  • Developing a new business


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