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Over 8 modules the student learns about equine behaviour and the correct equipment & procedure used to handle them.
Further modules cover grooming, hoof care, use of rugs, feeding, stable management and basic first aid for equines.
The finer details
The course is designed to give the Learner a good overview of all of the main elements involved in working with and caring for equines.
Course layout is interactive and engaging, easy to navigate and is designed to meet the needs of all levels of literacy.
There is a short quiz after each module and the course allows for a practical assessments after weeks 4 and 8 for groups in Republic of Ireland so that learners can put the theory they have learned into practice.
Delivery method
OnlineCourse description:
Who should attend?
This course can be a stepping stone to further education or for employment in the equine industry sector.
Equally the course is ideal for first time horse owners and for those in regular contact with equines.
- Anyone interested in a career with horses
- New horse owners
- Family members who help with family horses.
What will be covered?
This course will cover:
- Equine Behaviour
- Handling
- Leading
- Feeding & watering
- Use of Rugs
- Stable management
- Basic Health care
- Care of the hooves.
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