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The finer details

Accurate felling is necessary to ensure that the tree is felled in the correct direction, preventing it from hitting the line or other targets. It also aids the efficient processing or extraction and disposal of the felled timber.

This course will teach the use of appropriate felling cuts and techniques, appropriate to the size and situation of the tree, maintain conditions of tree and controls the fell, which may be of particular importance in the case of trees that are leaning significantly.

Who should attend?

The refreshers are designed to enable learners to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills to support their role(s) and develop their career in the management of vegetation in proximity to powerlines and meet the industry requirement for re-certification of skills every 3 years. It also provides an opportunity for learners to obtain recognised certification, enabling them to continue to work within the utility arboriculture sector of the industry. The refreshers will enhance the ability of personnel to work safely, effectively and efficiently in the workplace, reducing unnecessary risks to themselves and others.

What will be covered?

  • Understand the requirements of health and safety legislation, guidance and industry good practice relating to tree felling operations in proximity to overhead powerlines
  • Be able to undertake a site-specific risk assessment
  • Understand the safe working procedures for each category tree
  • Be able to perform a pre-work inspection
  • Understand the application of equipment for tree felling operations
  • Understand need for accurate felling direction and importance of using appropriate techniques
  • Be able to set up an assisted fell system
  • Be able to perform an assisted fell
  • Be able to identify high and low voltage overhead power-line components and associated hazards and risks
  • Understand the purpose of earths
  • Understand when documents relevant to work safety in designated work areas are issued
  • Understand the purpose of safety documents
  • Understand minimum ground clearance and distances for the various line voltages
  • Understand the principles of risk assessment for utility tree work operations
  • Understand the requirements for site supervision
  • Understand the principle working practices to prevent injury and damage to people and equipment
  • Understand the safety factors to consider when carrying out tidy up operations
  • Understand how fires and smoke can increase hazards from overhead lines
  • Understand emergency procedures and contingencies
  • Understand the principles for establishing safety zones and distances when working in proximity to network operators' equipment.
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