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With thousands of miles of line the UK railway network is a marvel of engineering, however the network is dependant on vegetation management to keep the lines working as they should. The surveying of vegetation near railway lines is an essential part of the work to keep trains moving, this qualification allows you to demonstrate that you have what it takes to carry out this highly specialised work safely and efficiently.

The finer details

This training course will equip learners to progress to the Lantra Awards Level 3 Award in Utility Arboriculture – Surveyor qualification.


Who should attend?

Anyone employed in surveying and planning utility arboriculture works in proximity to overhead power lines or railway networks.

What will be covered?

  • Explain the significance of key legislation and guidelines pertaining to vegetation management in proximity of rail infrastructure
  • Identify of the types of rail infrastructure assets
  • Demonstrate how to identify sites on the railway network
  • Explain access and egress arrangements and site security
  • Explain the purpose of railway infrastructure and the requirements for vegetation management
  • Explain the significance, regarding management of vegetation standard control documentation and its design principlesExplain the key conditions that require management
  • Explain the risks that vegetation poses to the railway
  • Explain how the risks that vegetation poses to railway are controlled
  • Explain the key situations that require management
  • Describe the track engineering forms (TEF) and their function when assessing vegetation and tree risk
  • Explain requirements for vegetation management for railway infrastructure assets
  • Explain access and egress arrangements requirements where works are undertaken
  • Product a scope of works for a given site
  • Explain the design requirements when planning to undertake clearance work.
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