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Each year millions of pounds are lost because of cattle lameness. Preventative trimming can reduce the risk of lameness, which can lead to loss to milk yield and breeding ability.

This is an ideal interim solution to use between the annual or biannual herd trims.

The finer details

Our one-day course will give you an overview of the techniques and equipment involved to carry out successful trimming, with plenty of time for practice.

The course sessions cover:

  • Background
  • Tools
  • Method
  • Handling
  • Technique
  • Practice.

You'll receive a certificate on completion of the end of day assessment. You must complete two successful trims.

Who should attend?

Herds people, any person performing hoof trimming.

What will be covered?

Our Cattle Hoof Trimming course will give you the information to be able to:

  • trim overgrown hooves to the correct size and shape in a safe manner
  • avoid any unnecessary stress to the cow, using:
    • single action hoof cutters
    • hollow ground knives
    • an Allgau hoof chisel.
  • maintain sharp tools in good condition
  • describe the normal walking movement of a cow
  • describe hoof growth variations
  • identify common hoof diseases.
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