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This Lantra-accredited Customised Award is exclusively developed and delivered by a Lantra-approved Training Provider, who meets our quality standards. The course is specifically tailored to meet learners’ needs. For further details about the course content and delivery locations, please contact the Training Provider using the details provided below.

The minimum age to undertake this course is 16.


In recent years, the forestry sector has been confronted with a number of growing threats from the effects of climate change.

An increasing number of pests and diseases such as Red Band Needle Blight and Phytophthora ramorum, and extreme weather conditions including wind and unseasonal temperatures, are causing foresters to reassess their woodlands and how they manage them.

Now, for the first time in the UK, foresters can obtain the skills and knowledge to cope with this situation and even use it to their advantage where possible.

This Customised Award is evidence of their professional competence in this emerging subject.

Forestry and Climate Change

Delivery method


Recognised by

Lantra Awards

Who should attend?

This course is aimed at foresters, woodland owners and forestry contractors.

What will be covered?

Details and Learning Outcomes:
  • Climate Change – Facts for Foresters:
  • Be able to understand the main causes of climate change
  • Be able to understand the main consequences of climate change to the UK forestry sector
  • Be aware of the scientific research being done across the UK to help the UK forest industry adapt to and mitigate against climate change
  • Recognise the different scenarios that climate change could create dividing them into low, medium and high categories.
Designing for Climate Change:
  • Be able to design a new woodland that takes into consideration the potential impacts of climate change
  • Be able to select appropriate species and provenances for the new woodland and understand the difference between origin and provenance
  • Be able to select appropriate sites for planting with consideration given to Ecological Site Classification, soils and infrastructure requirements
  • Be able to design the woodland for multi-purpose objectives
  • Be able to demonstrate knowledge of pests and diseases and bio-security requirements.
Managing for Climate Change:
  • Be able to select appropriate silvicultural systems that take into account the potential impacts of climate change
  • Be able to deal with invasive and competing ground flora
  • Understand the impact of extreme weather events and fire to UK forestry
  • Understand the threats posed by climate change related pests and diseases and bio-security requirements.

Mitigation of Climate change and Its Effects:

  • Introduction to the opportunities and issues in relation to carbon management and product substitution
  • Introduction to the opportunities and issues in relation to woodfuel
  • Understand how forestry can help alleviate the risks posed by flooding
  • Understand the effects that trees and forestry can have on helping to regulate micro climates.
  • Course content is subject to change with developments in the sector.
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