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The finer details

Equido Level Three offers concepts and teaching that can enable the student to fully acquire the knowledge of a professional Yard Manager and Horse Trainer.

It is at this level that the use of energy and Equido training ethos is applied and students may wish to begin to diversify into specific areas of expertise.

For example, some students may prefer to specialize in work from the ground as opposed to ridden techniques. 

A huge emphasis is put onto the psychology of the horse and meeting the training requirements whilst satisfying the needs of the horse.

It will be a revelation for some students that you can produce top quality competition horses using totally alternative training methods without compromising on performance and ability.

Again the level is split into modules, this time there are 10 modules which comprises of: 

  • Equine Psychology
  • Foal Handling
  • Principles of Riding
  • Assessing the Horse
  • Health Checks
  • Training the Horse
  • Training the Horse for Competition
  • Trailer Loading
  • Field Care
  • Stable Construction
Equido Level Three

Delivery method


Who should attend?

What will be covered?

By the end of this course learners will:

  • Detailed advanced use of Ki energy and how it relates to the equine. 
  • Detailed advanced understanding of the equine psyche and how energy is used to relate to their surroundings.
  • Detailed understanding and the application of breathing techniques required to raise specific Ki energy.
  • knowledge on the application of equine body language to allow the horse to "hook on" to the human. 
  • Detailed understanding of the psychology behind the application of the hook on techniques and where it may be relevant for the equine.
  • Detailed understanding of the necessity of the correct personality of the equine before applying such and where hook on would not be beneficial or in fact dangerous.
  • Advanced groundwork exercises working on precise energy control and direction of the feet. 
  • Advanced single line and double line work.  
  • Demonstrating the ability to be able to use the appropriate groundwork exercises to help remedial horses regain their trust and willingness to work. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to assess accurately the individual psyche of each horse and work in balance with their energies. 
  • Advanced and discipline.
  • Detailed and knowledge and understanding of the of the equine and how this may impact on their ability to work. 
  • Detailed understanding of the movement of the equine and how this relates directly to the .
  •   knowledge of the muscle groups of the horse. 
  • knowledge of the circulatory, respiratory, urinary, reproductive and endocrine systems of the horse.
  • Detailed and knowledge of the physiological impact and changes which occur during the training process. 
  • Detailed and understanding of the methodology of training for a specific discipline.  
  • Detailed and understanding of both traditional and interval programmes and the impacts and changes caused to the equine body by both of these methods. 
  • Practical and thorough knowledge of the training of four different horses in preparation of this module.
  • knowledge of the different methods and levels of restraint that can be used on the equine. 
  • Detailed understanding of the psychological impact of using restraint. 
  • Detailed understanding of and the ability to assess when to use restraint and which method to apply.
  • Advanced work with remedial or loaders. 
  • Advanced practical work.
  • knowledge of soil types and their properties. 
  • knowledge of sward maintenance and management. 
  • knowledge of land drainage and their advantages/disadvantages. 
  • knowledge of factors affecting soil fertility.
  • Basic knowledge of the requirements as laid down by the industry standards for the construction of good stabling.
  • Basic knowledge of the different types of materials available for stable construction. 
  • Basic knowledge of designing a yard for a specific purpose and the reasoning behind the design.

Other areas of interest

Equido Level One.

Equido Level two.

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