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The finer details

The theory is delivered online and students are required to provide video evidence of practical skills, witness reports on practical skills and attend a training weekend to assess practical skills.
You will cover:
  • Equine Psychology
  • Foal Handling
  • Principles of Riding
  • Assessing the Horse
  • Health Checks
  • Training the Horse
  • Training the Horse for Competition
  • Trailer Loading
  • Field Care
  • Stable Construction
Equido Level Three

Delivery method


Who should attend?

This course is perfect for someone looking to pursue an equestrian career as an equine trainer.

What will be covered?

By the end of this course learners will:

Clearly and accurately identify different Ki energy levels, how this applies to both themselves and the equines in their care, their surroundings and how to apply breathing techniques to raise specific Ki.
Demonstrate in depth knowledge of the application of equine body language to all the horse to “hook on” to the human, the psychology behind the techniques, assess the correct personality of the equine and where hook on would not be beneficial or, in fact, dangerous.
Demonstrate in depth knowledge of the historical development of riding, with an understanding of the classical and jumping seats.
Have a detailed, in depth knowledge and understanding of the conformation of the equine and how this may impact on their ability to work.
Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the muscle groups, Circulatory System, Respiratory System, Urinary System, Reproductive System, Endocrine System and Nervous System.
Have a detailed and in depth knowledge of the physiological impact and changes, which occur during the training process.
Demonstrate practical and thorough knowledge of the required training, to produce a dressage horse up to elementary level, a showjumper and a one day eventer.
Demonstrate advanced work with remedial or first time loaders.
Have a detailed knowledge of the legal requirements when transporting horses.
Have an in depth knowledge of soil types, sward maintenance and management, drainage and their advantages/disadvantages.
Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the requirements of stable construction, different types of materials available for stable construction, how to design a yard for a specific purpose and the reasoning behind the design.

Other areas of interest

Equido Level One.

Equido Level Two.

Equido Level Four.

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