Upcoming Tyfu Cymru workshops and
events announced: February - April

Tyfu Cymru, the leading project supporting horticulture businesses in Wales, has announced a number of webinars and visits coming up over the next couple of months.

Specifically designed for Welsh commercial horticulture businesses, the courses will cover topics such as soil health, marketing and also making your business stand out from the crowd.

Check out the full details below:

North Wales - Understanding soil health in Horticulture systems

Date: Thursday 3 February 2022

Time: 09:30am - 16:30pm

Location: Henbant Permaculture, Henbant Bach Farm, Tain Lon, Caernarfon, LL54 5DF

The soil health principles work, when implemented successfully they bring real results: better soil structure, healthier crops and more consistent yields. What's more, the growers that have most rigorously applied these principles have the more profitable operations today. In this course you will learn what the soil health principles are, where they are gleaned from and how their application improves- and creates soil structure.


  • 9:00 - Arrive at Henbant for tea/coffee
  • 9:30-12:00 - Theory based learning
  • 12:00-13:00 - Lunch (which will be provided)
  • 13:00-16:30 - Site tour & soil testing demo

Please bring:

  • Warm clothes including waterproofs
  • Notebook & stationary
  • Camera/smartphone

Numbers are limited to 2 per business.


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4 black plastic pots with seedlings

Key to success - marketing and selling your business

 Tuesday 22 February 2022


Hear first-hand from Paviland Farm’s Chris Harry Thomas and Claire Austin Hardy Plants Ric Kenwood about how they have established different routes to market to sell their products.

Chris will talk about his business and how he has established different routes to market and the considerations he has made with his diversification project.

Chris is joined by Ric Kenwood Claire Austin Hardy Plants  who has a wealth of knowledge on marketing. He will also talk about how he uses digital marketing to boost sales during traditionally quieter months. 

Whether trialling a new idea or making a permanent change to the business, diversifying presents an opportunity to tap into new or existing local and national markets, whilst developing an additional income stream to support the current business model. Developing a strong marketing campaign is the key to success.


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Woman holding a tablet in a horticulture setting

Making your business stand out from the crowd

 Monday 21 March 2022


With 44 years in the horticultural industry, leading business consultant Neville Stein certainly knows how to make a business stand out from the crowd.

In this informative and interesting webinar Neville will explore how you can differentiate your product offering, service and price and will illustrate his ideas with practical examples and provide low-cost tips that are immediately implementable.


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Visit Abbey Home Farm

Date: Wednesday 6 April 2022

Time: 11:00am - 15:00pm

Location: Abbey Home Farm, Burford Road, Cirencester, GL7 5HF

Abbey Home Farm has been run by Will and Hillary Chester-Master since they took over from Wills Family in 1990. They are both totally committed to organic practices and are striving to make Abbey Home Farm a truly sustainable place, both environmentally and financially.

Abbey home Farm is a model of mixed, local farming, serving its immediate community and further afield , with the farm shop being one of the best one stop shops in Britain. They began with a modest one acre veg plot, today they produce fruit and veg and even firewood and flowers on 15+ acres.

Areas of focus on the visit will include Propagation, Integrated Pest and Disease management, Veg and Cut flower production and Agroforestry.


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Woman standing in lettuce field