Lantra Wales ‘Rural event training’ proves a winner for Welsh show organisers

One of Lantra’s newest online training courses, ‘Rural event training’, which was launched last winter, has proved a winner for Welsh show organisers wanting to ensure they adhere to the guidelines which will help keep visitors, exhibitors and livestock safe at this year’s rural agricultural, sporting, cultural and social events.

Kevin Thomas, director of Lantra Wales is delighted with uptake of the training to date:

“Organisers from more than 20 shows in Wales have already enrolled on the course and we were also delighted to arrange a live group session for 40 YFC Wales delegates.”

Mr. Thomas said it was essential that all event organisers are aware of their responsibilities and legal obligations in terms of event safety, planning, risk assessments and insurance.

“This online training covers every aspect of event organisation and will be of value to all those organisers who may want to update or refresh their existing knowledge and skills, as well as individuals getting involved with event management for the first time.”

The course is delivered through a pre-recorded hour-long webinar and five short e-learning modules which can be undertaken at a time and pace to suit the individual. The usual cost is £30 + VAT per applicant but Welsh Government are currently subsidising a limited number of places to encourage more Welsh show organisers to undertake this training. Once completed, each participant will receive a Lantra ‘Rural event training’ certificate.

The course content will focus on some of the essential issues which should be considered when planning any rural event including Health & Safety, dealing with accidents and emergencies, event administration, site management, livestock and equine management, dealing with animal movement, welfare and biosecurity, marketing and finance.

“All event organisers hope that nothing goes wrong, but it is every organising team’s responsibility to keep staff, contractors, volunteers and visitors as safe as possible.

“This training course will help ensure that everyone involved knows how to deal with any situation and what actions to take before, during and after the event,” said Mr. Thomas.

Nia Osborne is the Event Manager and Show Secretary of Usk Show.

“I decided to do the course to reinforce my knowledge and boost my confidence, to make sure I was doing the right thing,” said Ms Osborne.

For Helen Roberts, Development Officer for the National Sheep Association Wales, the training was an opportunity to ensure she implements the latest health and safety guidance.

“This training helped me keep up to date with health and safety and enabled me to rewrite the risk assessments and event management plans.”

Lantra Wales will be promoting ‘Rural event training’ and all other training courses available to those working in the land-based sectors at this year’s Royal Welsh Show (July 18 – 21).

To find out more, call into the headquarters building on Avenue K at the showground or for further information and to apply online, click here.