Lantra shares animal
welfare advice ahead
of Bonfire Night

As Bonfire Night approaches, a time when traditional fireworks can cause heightened anxiety and stress levels in animals, Lantra is urging people to take steps to prioritise animal health and welfare.

Lantra, a leading UK Awarding Organisation that develops and certifies specialist training and qualifications for the land-based sector, is urging people to follow some simple advice and guidance in light of recent research by the RSPCA that showed nearly half (45%) of UK dogs show signs of deep fear when exposed to the noise and bright flashes of traditional fireworks.

In 2021, the RSPCA launched an Impact Reporting Survey encouraging the public to share, with the charity, their experiences of fireworks. Between October and January, the charity received around 11,785 reports of animals in distress.

The British Horse Society (BHS) has also raised concerns over firework-related incidents involving horses where animals have suffered distress, injury, and sadly, have even died.

Lantra acknowledges people should be allowed to enjoy themselves this Bonfire Night, but by taking a few measures, they can make a big difference to animals and their owners. Animal owners can themselves also help reduce anxiety and fear in animals during firework displays.

Clare Longstaff, Companion Animal Market Development Officer for Lantra, said “Lantra’s Canine Communication and Body Language e-learning course is a useful resource which enables dog owners to spot the signs and anxiety and fear in their animals."

Lantra also has a Canine First Aid Course, in case pet owners are faced with an emergency animal-related incident.

Clare, continued: “Pet owners can take some very simple steps to help alleviate fear, aggression and anxiety that can be associated with loud bangs and flashes from traditional fireworks.

“If you are attending a firework display, make sure it’s an organised, professional event where quieter, low noise pet friendly (pet-safe) fireworks are typically used.

“Pet owners should ideally stay with their animals when firework displays are going on outside and always ensure their pets are indoors and have the curtains drawn at dusk.

“Playing soothing music can also help to calm animals during firework displays. Lantra offers a range of animal health and welfare courses aimed at both the pet owner, and those Pet Professionals who make their living caring for four legged friends.

“Remember, if you are having a bonfire please, before it is lit, check for any wildlife. Stay safe, think of others!”

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