Lantra makes Farm Safety E-Learning
course free of charge as part of
Farm Safety Week 2024

Lantra is proud to announce that its Farm Safety E-learning Course will be made free of charge from today, Friday 26th July 2024, as part of Farm Safety Week. This underlines Lantra’s commitment to ensuring that farm workers have access to the latest information to keep themselves, families, and colleagues safe on their farms.

Lantra is proud to announce that its Farm Safety E-learning Course will be made free of charge from today, Friday 26th July 2024, as part of Farm Safety Week. This move underlines Lantra’s commitment to ensuring that farm workers have access to the latest information to keep themselves, their employees, families, and colleagues safe on their farms.




Fatalities and serious injuries continue to remain at a high level within agriculture. The most recent figures show that 38 people sadly lost their lives from April 2023 to March 2024, as well as more than 9,000 people suffering serious injuries in the agriculture, fisheries, and forestry industries.


In light of the Health and Safety Executive decision to move away from  routine farm safety inspections, and recognising the importance of training and keeping knowledge of farm safety timely, Lantra is making their Agriculture Health and Safety: How to Meet Your Legal Responsibilities (E-Learning) free of charge for all to access.


As part of Farm Safety Week, an annual campaign dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of safety in agriculture and emphasising the importance of education in tackling health and safety on farms, the Farm Safety Foundation undertook some research with the farming community that found that 57% of those interviewed who were under 40 years old said that they would like more health and safety training. Also, 34% of those interviewed who were over 40 years old stated they want more health and safety training. This is a promising sign for the agriculture industry, potentially turning the tide on the high number of fatalities and serious injuries that happen year on year.  


On the announcement of Lantra’s Farm Safety E-Learning becoming free of charge, Marcus Potter, CEO of Lantra, commented: “Sadly, I receive all too regular notifications of farming fatalities from the same handful of causes, such as falls from heights and crushing by cattle, or falling objects.


“Lantra is committed to supporting the agricultural sector with health and safety training and ensuring that we give farmers and farm workers the knowledge they need to remain safe. Working in support with the Farm Safety Foundation, it is why I am pleased to share that our Farm Safety E-Learning is free of charge from today.


Lantra’s Farm Safety E-learning course has easily digestible modules covering all aspects of farm safety with each module being packed with practical information and guidance. Those who undertake the e-learning will also receive a certificate upon successfully completing the course. The course is approximately two hours long, and a benefit of it being e-learning, is that farmers, and farm workers, can learn at their own pace.


Lantra urges all farm owners, managers, and workers to prioritise safety and take advantage of this learning opportunity. Together, we can make farming a safer profession for everyone.