National Highways Sector Schemes (NHSS)
National Highways Sector Schemes (NHSS) are bespoke quality management systems for organisations working on the UK road network. They are based on the ISO9001:2008 standards, but do not duplicate them.

National Highways
National Highways is the government company charged with operating, maintaining and improving England’s motorways and major A roads. Formerly the Highways Agency, they became a government company in April 2015.
They are responsible for around 4,300 miles of the road network. While this represents only 2 per cent of all roads in England by length, these roads carry a third of all traffic by mileage and two thirds of all heavy goods traffic. They are set to deliver £15 billion of investment on our road network as described in the government’s Road Investment strategy. This includes £11 billion of capital funding committed between 2015 and 2020 – as set out in their Strategic Business Plan.

The Traffic Management Contractors Association (TMCA)
The Traffic Management Contractors Association (TMCA) celebrates 25 years 'in business' this year. It was established in 1989 (encouraged by the Department for Transport) as a trade association to represent the views of its members, and to further the development (& increase safety) in relation to temporary traffic management systems at major roadworks sites on a national basis.

The Department for Infrastructure (DfI)
The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) is one of nine Northern Ireland Departments. The main responsibilities of the Department are: strategic development and planning; transport strategy and policy; road safety and vehicle regulation; road maintenance; river and sea defence maintenance; and flood defence.

Transport Scotland
Transport Scotland are responsible for delivering a safe, efficient, cost-effective and sustainable transport system for the benefit of the people of Scotland, playing a key role in helping to achieve the Scottish Government’s Purpose of increasing sustainable economic growth with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish.

The National Assembly for Wales
The National Assembly for Wales is the democratically elected body that represents the interest of Wales and its people.
Commonly known as the Senedd, it makes laws for Wales, agrees Welsh taxes and holds the Welsh Government to account.