Download your e-card

The Online Learner Hub

Access all of your industry recognised e-certificates and e-cards quickly, easily and securely with Lantra’s new online Learner Hub.


Once you’ve signed up for an account, all of your e-certificates and e-cards will be automatically uploaded to your personal account on the Hub. E-cards can be downloaded for FREE via an appropriate Wallet App.


All the qualifications you’ve previously achieved will be listed in one convenient central location, along with any historical training courses attended in the past five years.


Whilst we transition towards a fully digital approach, we will continue to issue hard copy certificates and skills cards.

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How the Learner Hub Works

  • Once you’ve created a profile on the Learner Hub, you’ll be able to view and access your e-certificates, e-cards and training and qualification record

  • When you’ve completed any Lantra training courses or qualifications, you will be issued with an e-certificate, which will be automatically uploaded to your account

  • You will also receive an e-card. You’ll simply need to download it for FREE to an appropriate Wallet App on your smartphone (Apple Wallet on Apple device). You can then share your e-card digitally as required

  • Each time you complete a new course or qualification, your e-card(s) will automatically be updated in the Hub.

How to download an e-card using the Learner Hub