Bridge Inspector Certification Scheme
Bridge Inspector Certification Scheme
Overview and benefits of BICS
Lantra runs an international certification scheme for Bridge Inspectors and Senior Bridge Inspectors. The scheme is operated on behalf of the UK Bridges Board and is supported by the Bridge Owners Forum. It is one of the most widely used National Highway Sector Schemes in the UK and has the full support of the Department of Transport (DfT).
The Bridge Inspector Certification Scheme covers detailed competencies around the inspection of common structure forms and materials, focusing largely on bridge, retaining wall and culvert assets constructed from masonry, steel and concrete, as well as awareness of other less common materials and assets.
The benefits of the scheme include:
Proof of competence
This scheme provides clarity on the experience and skills required by bridge inspectors, for Inspectors and Senior Inspectors. It also assists bridge owners to specify the skills required, both internally and externally
Formalisation of knowledge and experience required by inspectors
This ensures inspectors are effectively trained resulting in improved levels of consistency when undertaking inspections and capturing defects, as well more informative and accurate inspection reports and interpretation of results
The profile/standing of bridge inspectors through the introduction of a nationally recognised scheme will be elevated. The different levels of competence also provide a structured career progression path, which will assist in staff retention and long-term capture of vital knowledge
Transferrable skills
Increased flexibility for organisations with the ability to move inspection staff around and share them with other sectors
A structured approach to promoting continued learning of Bridge Inspectors
Up to date developments and innovation within the industry can be identified where relevant for use in inspections
BICS 2025: An improved Certification Scheme
This exciting development was officially unveiled at the Bridges 2024 Conference in Glasgow during a special presentation by Niall McKay, BICS Chairperson, on Thursday, 28th November 2024. The improved certification scheme, launched January 2025, introduces advanced training modules, updated standards, and enhanced competencies to meet the evolving challenges of maintaining critical infrastructure. It reflects BICS' unwavering commitment to fostering expertise, safety, and professionalism across the bridge inspection community.

- Structure Category: Cat 0, 1, 2, 3
- Supervised
- e-Card £50

- Structure Category: Cat 0, 1 and Cat 2, 3
- Unsupervised and Supervised
- Recommended experience: 1 to 2 years
- Knowledge Test £100
- e-Card £50

- Structure Category: Cat 0, 1, 2 and Cat 3
- Supervised and Unsupervised
- Recommended experience: 2 to 5 years
- e-Portfolio review £250
- Interview £250
- e-Card £50

(direct entry)
- Structure Category: Cat 0, 1, 2 and Cat 3
- Supervised and Unsupervised
- Recommended experience: 2 to 5 years
- Knowledge Test £100
- e-Portfolio review £250
- Interview £250
- e-Card £50

- Structure Category: Cat 0, 1, 2, 3
- Unsupervised
- Recommended experience: 5+ years
- e-Portfolio review £250
- Interview £250
- e-Card £50

- Structure Category: Cat 0, 1, 2, 3
- Unsupervised
- Recommended experience: 5+ years
- Knowledge Test £100
- e-Portfolio review £250
- Interview £250
- e-Card £50
BICS (Pre-2025)
→ Bridge Inspector Certification Scheme Pre 2025 Candidate Guidance.docx
→ CS 450 - Inspection of highway structures
→ Inspection Manual for Highway Structures, Volume 2 - Bridge Owners Forum
The role of an Assessor
The main role of the Assessor is to review and verify whether a trainee / uncertified inspector can demonstrate the competencies laid down in the Core Inspection and Modular Material Competencies. This will be undertaken through a review of the evidence presented in the candidate’s submitted e-portfolio and by an external interview.
Assessors must meet the requirements of Lantra and the technical standard requirements as set by the Bridge Inspector Certification Scheme (BICS).
Assessor Responsibilities
The responsibilities of a Bridge Inspector Assessor include the following key tasks:
- Review the e-portfolio submitted by the candidate and verify whether sufficient evidence has been provided to demonstrate that the competencies laid down in the scheme have been achieved to the appropriate level
- Ensure that all evidence is clearly documented and precise
- Undertake an interview with the candidate (see Lantra QA process)
- Confirm whether a candidate has met the requirements to achieve certified Inspector status (Bridge Inspector or Senior Inspector, as appropriate)
- Provide a written report on the outcome of the assessment (see Lantra QA process)
- Lantra to feedback report outcomes to candidates. Where candidates have been unsuccessful the report will identify where they have failed to demonstrate adequate competence and advise next steps
- Participate in Appeals, if required.
Assessor registration
- All assessors must be certified Senior Bridge Inspectors, attending and passing a short interview arranged by two Lantra with a Lantra approved Assessors
- All Assessors will be expected to attend a standard setting event (SSE) every three years in order to maintain their competence and their status as a Lantra registered approved Assessor ensuring there is consistency across all assessor decisions
Frequently asked questions
Whilst the old scheme continues to be available for those already registered, the expectation is that all future inspectors coming onboard will be directed to the new BICS 2025 scheme.
No Knowledge Based Test (KBT) will be required. You will be issued the new style e-Portfolio covering the experience and proficiency levels appropriate to Senior Bridge Inspector (SBI). It is worth noting that there are less units in the new style e-Portfolio.
Yes, this information can be downloaded to an excel spreadsheet and then used to help populate the new e-Portfolio.