NHSS: Certification for Contractors

National Highway Sector Schemes (NHSS) Overview

National Highway Sector Schemes (NHSS) are bespoke integrated quality management systems for organisations working on the National Highways strategic road network, which accounts for approximately 4% of all roads in England. Local Authorities are responsible for the remaining 96% and will often adopt these management schemes.


NHSS use the current ISO 9001 as the basic standard, as well as providing specific requirements and interpretation for individual industries.


There are currently more than 20 NHSS schemes. They cover activities ranging from fencing, landscaping and vehicle safety restraints to road surfacing and marking, and traffic management.


Lantra works closely and collaboratively with industry to support the NHSS framework, providing certified, bespoke training solutions for the following NHSS:


  • Temporary Traffic Management
  • Highways Electrical
  • Vehicle Restraint Systems & Fencing (general, agricultural and environmental)


If your company supplies services (including the supply of products but excluding the manufacture of products subject to legal conformity assessment requirements) to National Highways under the Specification for Highways Works (SHW), you MUST be certified under all the relevant schemes for the work you carry out.


The aim of the scheme is to ensure all work is carried out to the highest standards of professionalism, using a properly trained and registered workforce. They also place a strong emphasis on health and safety.


Lantra further support NHSS by working in partnership with CSCS. They endorse the Lantra TM/CSCS and FISS/CSCS skills registration cards with their logo.

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