National Occupational Standards

A Guide To NOS





What are National Occupational Standards?

National Occupational Standards (NOS) describe the skills, knowledge and understanding required when carrying out jobs in the workplace. They are set by industry across the four nations of the UK and used to define the competency requirements for the workforce and develop training.

Lantra as a Standard Setting Organisation oversees the development and review of National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the Land-based and Environmental Sector.



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How NOS could help you as an Employer

National Occupational Standards are designed to help enhance your business, contributing to a professional and competitive industry by:

Defining the skills needed in your workforce


Discovering the skills of your current employees


Identifying skills gaps and shortages


Developing training and recruitment plans


Recruiting staff with the skills you need


Providing targeted training to meet skills needs



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Reviewing NOS

To ensure that NOS remain relevant for today and the future, they need to be periodically reviewed. If we fail to do this they will become out of date and lose their effectiveness in enabling people to gain the right skills and knowledge to work in the industry. NOS need to reflect the latest legislation, working practices and technology.

To do this, we engage with people in all parts of the UK who work in the industry and can offer their expertise. Volunteers are asked to review and comment on changes needed to existing standards and help to develop new standards where required. They may be invited to attend online or face-to-face working group meetings. Otherwise, contact will be through email, phone, face-to-face meetings or visits.


Here are the existing NOS to be reviewed during 2024/2025:

Veterinary Paraprofessional Activities


If you work in equine dental care or cattle foot trimming, Lantra needs your help with the latest review of the National Occupational Standards for Veterinary Paraprofessional Activities.

The consultation is open until Sunday 5th January 2025 and the final NOS will be available for use in March 2025.




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